
Summer camp lottery starts

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Laura Sturza

Parents who were unhappy with the city’s summer-camp registration

method, which had people camping out in George Izay Park to be first

in line, can use the city’s new lottery registration system starting


“We surveyed our folks and people were more interested in doing it

online or randomly,” said Mike Flad, director of Park, Recreation and

Community Services. “[This way] everyone has the same opportunity to

sign their kids up.”

While space is always available at the camps, three programs have

been especially popular -- the camps at Verdugo and McCambridge parks

that feature trips to places like Disneyland and include swimming.

Those will be expanded by 25%, but the ratio of campers to counselors

will stay the same, Flad said.

“It’s going to be great for the parents because it’s going to be a

better opportunity for them to get their kids into these programs,”

Recreation Coordinator Jennifer Griffin said. “In the past, there

have been waiting lists. So I don’t think we’ll be seeing as much of


Brochures for the camps, which outline the new process, are

available at recreation centers, City Hall and libraries.

Parents will be given a number when they register for the lottery.

On camp registration morning, May 3, a random number will be drawn.

The person with that number will register first, with registration

following that pattern.

Summer swim lessons will use the same process, with lottery

registration running April 21 to May 7, and camp registration on May

