
City doesn’t need expensive new signs I...

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City doesn’t need expensive new signs

I can’t understand all the fuss about the $300,000, 38-piece sign

project in the Burbank Village area.

Doesn’t the city have its own sign shop where they could come up

with a design and make the signs? The city crew could put up the

signs like it is doing all over town.

If the city wants to spruce up the village, it should start by

taking down the ugly 3D “B-B-B” signs at several intersections on San

Fernando Boulevard.



Give schools the sign money

What’s wrong with this picture? You run a story (“Parents meet to

plan demonstration”) about people protesting against the education

budget crisis and another story (“The cost of finding downtown”)

about a city project for new signs with the potential cost of

$300,000. Where are our priorities? There must be less expensive

signs. And shouldn’t the primary beneficiaries -- the businesses --

help pay for the signs? Why not dump the signs all together and give

the $300,000 to the schools?


