
Lack of signs leads to confusion A...

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Lack of signs

leads to confusion

A letter from me to the City Council and the traffic department

requested that two corrective signs be posted for east on Victory

Boulevard traffic to east on Burbank Boulevard, advising that the

far-right lane goes south to Victory Boulevard only. Approximately 30

cars per day between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. make unsafe changes from the

improperly marked right-turn-only lane to the lane on their immediate

left, and they almost cause accidents doing so.

Thirty cars per day multiplied by one year amounts to 10,950

unsafe lane changes. City Traffic Engineer Ken Johnson said the

problem would be resolved as soon as 2004. But each of these lane

changes violates the law.

Ken Johnson: proactive means to prevent.



Voters: thanks, from a Bunch

Thank you, voters of Burbank, for electing me to the school board.

I especially appreciate the many fine volunteers who worked so hard

on my campaign. Without you, I would not have been successful.

Contributions from many of you provided the funds to conduct the

campaign. Those of you who supported me by your votes, signs in your

yards, making phone calls, walking precincts and endorsements all

helped to elect me. The early endorsements by the California School

Employees Assn., Rev. Larry Stamper and the Burbank Leader laid the

foundation that helped support grow until success was achieved.

Now comes the time for me to deliver on the confidence that you

have shown in me. I will work hard to improve our schools.

However, I can only do that with your support and cooperation. The

next few years will be difficult as we face budget problems and the

difficult decisions that must be made.

You will always be able to express your concerns to me, and I will

explain my decisions.

After I officially become a member of the board, I plan to set up

monthly meetings where you can inform me about your concerns and



Burbank School board

