
Pitching in for the city’s good

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Laura Sturza

As a member of the city’s Landlord-Tenant Commission, Janis Bunch has

mediated disputes between renters and landlords, and assisted with

concerns ranging from rent increases to mold problems.

“I do it because I do want to help the people of the city of

Burbank,” said Bunch, who said she is well-versed in relevant laws

since she worked in the property- management field for 30 years.

Bunch is among nearly 100 unpaid locals appointed by the City

Council to serve on the city’s boards, commissions and committees.

They were honored at a dinner at The Castaway earlier this month.

Twelve boards have two or more vacancies for terms, starting June

1. The large number of openings is typical during odd calendar years,

since only a few boards have terms ending during even calendar years,

Municipal Records Clerk Jolene Elliot said.

“Every odd year, their terms expire,” Elliot said. “So there is

never a whole brand- new board. There will always be some experienced

people on the board.”

The groups were established as a way to include community input

for city programs and policies.

“There is no way that part-time City Council members could delve

into every aspect [of details reviewed by committee members],” Mayor

David Laurell said.

The mayor served on the city’s Park, Recreation and Community

Services Board prior to becoming a councilman. When his term as mayor

ends April 31, Laurell plans to apply for a position to fill one of

the vacancies, he said.

Applicants must be Burbank residents and registered voters.

Applications, which are due May 16, are available at the City Clerk’s

office, 275 E. Olive Ave. or at For more

information, call 238-5851.
