
Ben GodarSeveral thousand children and their parents...

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Ben Godar

Several thousand children and their parents celebrated Easter weekend

with everything from a traditional egg hunt to the Power Rangers at

the Easter Eggs-plosion.

The fifth annual event was sponsored by the Burbank Park,

Recreation and Community Services Department and KDIS, Radio Disney

AM 1110. In addition to the Easter egg hunt, the Eggs-plosion

featured a variety of activities and an appearance by Stanley from

Playhouse Disney. Organizers said about 6,000 people attended

Saturday’s event, up about 1,000 from the year before. Recreation

Services Manager Gwen Indermill said good weather improved the

turnout and those she talked to offered nothing but positive


“I think people just really like being able to spend an afternoon

at an event where there are so many things to do,” she said.

Coordinating such a large event for children is no easy task, but

organizer Kelly Barnes said she was pleased with how smoothly it ran.

“We were really happy,” she said. “It just went one thing after

another, perfectly on-schedule.”
