
Trout to be interned in North Hollywood...

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Trout to be interned in North Hollywood

NORTH HOLLYWOOD -- Pioneering aviator Bobbi Trout will be interned

alongside other flying greats Friday at the Valhalla Aviation Portal

of the Folded Wings in North Hollywood.

Trout, who died Jan. 24, did much of her flying over the skies of

Burbank and Glendale. In 1929, she took off from Glendale’s Grand

Central Air Terminal and broke the altitude record for light

aircraft. That same year, she participated in the first women’s

transconti- nental race with her friend Amelia Earhart.

The domed portal where Trout will be interned is at Pierce

Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park, 10621 Victory Blvd.

Following a 4 p.m. ceremony, she will be put to rest alongside

several noted pilots, stunt pilots and barnstormers.

Ben Godar

Kindergarten registration begins

BURBANK -- Kindergarten registration for the 2003-2004 school year

will begin next week and continue through the first week of May

during regular school hours at district elementary schools.

Information about specific registration hours is available at

individual school sites.

To be eligible to register for kindergarten, a child must have

been 5 on or before Dec. 2. At the time of registration, parents

should be prepared to show the following:

* A birth certificate or other birth record, such as an official

hospital certificate.

* Proof of residency, such as a utility bill in the parent’s name.

* Verification of immunizations for measles, polio,

Diphtheria/Pertussis/ Tetanus (DPT), mumps, Hepatitis B, Chickenpox

and Tuberculin skin test, all given within the past year.

Molly Shore
