
Signals give everyone their ‘turn’ While nobody...

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Signals give everyone their ‘turn’

While nobody can dispute that the five-points reconfiguration

project is anything but a debacle, I, for one, am happy to see all

the new left-turn lights.

My experience is that most people are either in such a hurry that

they make risky turns or are so timid toward oncoming traffic that

they hold up traffic by allowing only one car in the whole left-turn

lane to turn.

This way, everyone gets their “turn” safely. As to synchronized

stoplights, this seems such an obvious traffic management tool, I’d

like someone to explain why it isn’t implemented as broadly as one

would think.



Playground space is not for all kids

The new Buena Vista Library and Lincoln Park had their grand

opening in December. Sure, the library is beautiful, but the

playground in the park is pathetic. It is a tot playground. I was

never on any committee for planning this playground, but I did put a

suggestion in the box at the old Buena Vista Library. I wonder if the

people planning the park even read my suggestion. I live so close to

the library that I should have been informed of such a committee, or

at least been able to send a reply card to give a suggestion.

Frankly, the people who have good ideas for playgrounds are not

sitting behind desks -- they are parents who take their kids to


We all hear about child obesity. Yet when the city can do

something to help our children with this problem, they bail out. A

playground with equipment suited for older kids would encourage

children to be active.

There are no bathrooms in the park for the public to use. At the

November meeting of the Burbank Park, Recreation and Community

Services Department board, I was told that the library bathrooms

would be accessible when the library is closed. Well, they are not.

Besides, the bathrooms are by the entrance on Buena Vista Street, not

Verdugo Avenue, where they would have been more accessible for people

enjoying the park and kids playing on the playground.



Dropping Rogers disappointed reader

This is just to tell you that the Burbank Leader without Will

Rogers is just another little community newspaper without the

substance its readers deserve. I could say much more but I assume you

have already heard it. It’s a shame you have chosen not to run his

column any longer. This community is all the poorer for this decision

and therefore, I am a very disappointed reader.


