
Applications being accepted for school transfers

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Nonresidents who work full-time in the city or own a Burbank business

can apply for space within the school district for their child for

the 2003-2004 school year.

To apply, parents must have a release from their child’s existing

school district in May, June or July.

Parents must provide documentation they work 40 hours a week or

own a business within the school district’s boundaries.

A birth certificate or other legal documentation of birth, as well

as the academic attendance and behavior information from the

student’s current school is also required.

If the pupil is receiving special-education services, it will be

necessary to provide the child’s Individualized Educational Program.

The district does not guarantee pupil placement. It is based upon

space and grade-level availability at a site determined by the

district. For more information, call the office of pupil services at

729-4467, or visit the office at 1900 W. Olive Ave.

Molly Shore
