
New councilman appreciates the support of community

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I want to take this opportunity to thank the voters of Burbank for

their overwhelming show of support for me in the April 8 general

election. It is gratifying to finish in first place, not just for me

but for all those who worked so hard to achieve this outcome. It has

been my privilege to serve our community for the past 18 years, and I

look forward to the challenge of serving for the next four years as

your council representative.

Walking through neighborhoods and meeting so many of you has

energized me and strengthened my resolve to keep working hard for all

citizens of our community and to maintain the quality of life we all

enjoy in Burbank.

Thank you for your support. Please feel free to call me with any

questions, suggestions or concerns you have at 238-5750 or e-mail me

at jvander-

I humbly ask for your continued support and I promise to serve all

the citizens of Burbank to the best of my ability.

Jef Vander Borght

Burbank City Council
