
Legacy gala benefits projects helping women The...

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Legacy gala benefits projects helping women

The YWCA programs for women will benefit from the sixth annual

Legacy Luncheon on Wednesday at the La Canada Country Club. The

fund-raising event will honor “Women of Heart and Excellence.”

Honorees are Georgia M. Abelmann, former News-Press Woman of

Achievement; Lina M. Harper, Glendale Unified School District Board

member; Gladys I. Kabateck, Glendale Community College counselor and

community volunteer; and Sonia B. Peltekian, president of the

Armenian Relief Society.

Diana Diaz, a senior at John Burroughs High School of Burbank,

will also be recognized and receive the Jane O’Connor Community

Volunteer Service Award.

The honorees were nominated by community organizations, companies

and businesses.

KCBS-TV Channel 2 news anchor Ann Martin will serve as mistress of


The event begins at 10:30 a.m. with a reception and silent

auction, followed by program and luncheon at noon.

Mary W. Boger, community activist and member of the YWCA Board of

Directors is chairwoman. Glendale Assn. of Realtors Citizen of the

Year Susan Hunt is president of the YWCA Board of Directors.

Proceeds will support the YWCA of Glendale’s Domestic Violence

Project and Encore plus Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program

for low-income women older than 40 for women in the Glendale, Burbank

and foothills communities.

For more information or reservations, call Sarah Ellis or Judy

Logan at 242-4155, ext. 221 or 220.

Republican women’s group has fashion show

The North Hollywood Republican Women’s Federated will have its

fashion show “Spring is in the Air” Tuesday at the Sportsmen’s Lodge

in Studio City.

This year, the show will feature spring fashions from Draper’s and


The public is welcome to attend. Proceeds benefit club activities.

Tickets are $35 and can be reserved by calling 763-9379 or (323)


Oakmont League distributes donations

The Oakmont League of Glendale, founded in 1939, recently

distributed the funds derived from the early spring benefit this

year. Annually, the league awards scholarships to the five high

schools and five to Glendale Community College, and sponsors the

Glendale Unified School District Scholastic Bowl.

The members also have an annual Christmas dinner for the blind and

an Easter Egg Hunt for the children of the Salvation Army pre-school.

Besides the annual benefits, the Oakmont League allocated funds to

nine other community groups -- Glendale Assn. for the Retarded,

Glendale Community College Food for Thought, Glendale Healthy Kids,

Club JAM, Salvation Army, YWCA of Glendale, Verdugo Mental Health,

Friends of the Library and Hillside Learning Center.

Marlene Hirt, president, expressed her appreciation to the 45

active members, sustaining members and friends for making these

contributions possible.

The scholarships are awarded at the May regular meeting.

Patrons Club planning for next fund-raisier

The April meeting of the Glendale Community College Patrons’ Club

was at the home of Betty Musaco, president.

Plans for the upcoming fund-raiser were discussed. The event

chairwoman will be Margaret Hammond, and will be at The Castaway

restaurant in Burbank on Nov. 7.

Program Chairwoman Pauline Richardson introduced professors Gordon

Alexandre and Arren Leaver, who spoke on the Study Abroad Program at

the Glendale Community College. They narrated a slide show on their

trip to Greece.

Scholarship Chairwoman Lois Edwards had a meeting with the

Scholarship Committee to review applications for scholarships to be

awarded May 22. The committee includes Shirley Wright, Flora Corsini,

Betty Musaco, Ann Arrobio, Geri Costello, Florence Hammer, Lois

Solomon and Margaret Hammond.
