
Restrictions set on granny flats


Laura Sturza

Thanks to the city’s new restrictions on construction of second-

dwelling units, neighborhoods won’t be overrun with guest houses, but

people with legal units will be able to rent them to people to whom

they are not related.

The City Council unanimously voted to change Burbank’s law to

require a 300-foot separation between lots with units, a move

designed to stave off a glut on the market of the units.

“I believe there is potential for negative impact in numerous

areas, parking being one of them,” Councilman Dave Golonski said.

The council’s action also means homeowners with legal units will

be able to rent them to people other than family members, which was

previously not allowed, Asst. Planner John Bowler said.

The city reviewed their law on the units to prepare for the

changes required by California Assembly Bill 1866, which goes into

effect July 1.

The state law requires cities approve applications for second

units without going through a discretionary review process. Burbank

residents had received a discretionary review by the Planning Board

until the City Council put a freeze on applications Sept. 25, 2001

while deciding what to do about second dwelling units, City Planner

Art Bashmakian said.

Burbank has about 45 granny flats. Though the city did receive

about three applications to build new units each year, none have been

approved since September 2001.
