
Kim Allender and Diana Abasta

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Co-presidents of the Burbank Teachers’ Assn.

Co-presidents of the Burbank Teachers’ Assn. ... worked tirelessly

with membership to help defeat incumbent school board members Elena

Hubbell, Mike McDonald and Richard Raad ... Allender said it was the

first time in many years that BTA has been so actively involved in a

school board election ... Abasta and Allender are the official

spokespeople for the BTA ... the pair have appeared at every school

board meeting to plead with the board to keep budget cuts away from

classrooms ... have served two years as co-presidents ... recently

elected for another two-year term ... preside at board of director’s

meetings ... appoint union’s negotiation team representative to board

of directors ... Abasta is a Burbank High School English teacher ...

Allender teaches fifth grade at Miller Elementary School.
