
Reader finds glaring omission in Top 50...

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Reader finds glaring omission in Top 50

I think your list of the Top 50 most influential people in Burbank

is excellent, though I feel very strongly that one of the most

important has been left out of the list of the acknowledged.

There is a woman who is, what I believe to be, what every

schoolteacher should aspire to be. She not only prepares our younger

generations to be the next Top 50, but ensures that the community

stays involved and in partnership with our school district. She not

only brings out the best in our children, but also brings out the

best in the student’s parents. Her name is Linda Walmsley, who is

currently teaching at Roosevelt Elementary, and she has taught in

many of our elementary schools, bringing her gift to all. I truly

feel that a Top 50 without Linda’s name on it falls tremendously

short of the best of our best.



Bow hunting has no place in Burbank

Rarely have I seen such a sweeping moment of rationale for our

City Council as the one Tuesday night when members decided to ban bow


Such a primitive form of sport has no place in the 21st century,

and I say kudos to the council for recognizing that fact. True, no

one had been hurt bow hunting -- except for animals -- but it was

bound to happen sooner or later. The argument I heard was that bow

hunting kept the population of animals down. Indeed, we wouldn’t have

wanted any deadly deer to invade, would we? Or that the area had

become overpopulated by the animals that live there. Hardly the case,

for the hillsides are the native locales for deer and other animals.

The more we build up in that area the more we encroach on their

natural habitats.

In the times we live in, when one can purchase meat without

trouble at the local grocer’s, bow hunting is nothing more than a

savage pastime, pure barbarism and has no relevance in this day and

age. Good work to the council for recognizing it. Perhaps the

advocates of such an evolutionary throwback of a sport would do well

to think about the council’s decision.


