
Assembly next step for Glendale mayor?

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Joshua Pelzer

Glendale Mayor Frank Quintero could have his eye on the California


During an appearance on “Larry Zarian Forum” on Thursday night,

Quintero said he would “probably” and “possibly” run for the seat

held by Assemblyman Dario Frommer (D-Burbank) when his term ends in

2006. Frommer cannot run again because of term limits.

Quintero, who was appointed as Glendale’s mayor in April, said

Friday that his statements were not a formal candidacy declaration.

“It by no means was an announcement,” he said. “It’s something I

might be interested in, in the future, and that’s as far as that


If he seeks a second City Council term in April 2005, Quintero

would have to resign if he wins the 43rd Assembly seat.

“I told him any time he decided to do that, I’ll support him,”

Glendale Councilman Bob Yousefian said. “I don’t’ know if he’s going

to do this or not, but 2006 is a long time, especially in a

politician’s life.”

Glendale Councilman Rafi Manoukian said Quintero’s comments were


“I’m completely surprised,” he said. “There were no indications of

him even considering it. I recall him saying after his council term,

he was going to retire to Spain.”

Quintero is not the only councilman who might make a bid for

Frommer’s seat.

“I can’t comment on Frank [Quintero’s] decision to seek that post

or not ... but I’m keeping options open myself for other

opportunities, including that one,” Glendale Councilman Gus Gomez


Glendale Councilman Dave Weaver said the news did not come as a

surprise and that he will not support either man.

“These guys are using council as a stepping stone to higher office

and personally, I don’t think that is representing the people when

you’re using that for higher office,” he said.

Weaver, Yousefian and Manoukian confirmed Friday that they have no

interest in pursuing a higher office.

Representatives for Frommer declined to speculate Friday on who

would fill his seat when his term limit is up.
