
Zonta Club awards scholarships The Zonta Club...

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Zonta Club awards scholarships

The Zonta Club of Burbank Area has awarded its annual scholarships

to Burbank high school students. This year’s winners are Elizabeth

“Beth” Coleman, a graduate of Monterey High School, and Santosh

Desai of Providence High School. Beth aspires to becoming an English

teacher and Santosh, a cardiologist. Each received $800 toward their

college tuition.

The scholarship awards wrap up a busy year of Zonta service. Since

September, the Zonta club has donated toys to the Burbank Police

Department, worked with Burbank Unified School District on its annual

Spelling Bee, and supported literacy through the Burbank Library’s

Barnes & Noble Christmas gift-wrap and Trivial Challenge events.

Grace Farenbaugh was installed as the club’s new president on May

21. She is a senior loan officer with First Security Lending in

Burbank. Serving with her are Donna Anderson, first vice president;

Marilyn Mauzey, second vice president; Rose Pichay, treasurer; Sheila

Landsman, recording secretary; Anne Macleod, corresponding secretary;

and directors: Lee Bellis, Nickie Bonner, Amin Oria and Suzi


The Zonta club continues expanding its membership. Most recently,

Julie Woll, a systems analyst at Technicolor/CFI in North Hollywood,

joined the club. The club meets the third Wednesday of the month at

Genio’s Restaurant. For membership information, call President Nickie

Bonner at (323) 993-5091.

Information about Zonta is now available on the club’s new Web

site at

Guild raises $67K for Providence St. Joseph

“Thanks for the Memories” luncheon and fashion show raised $67,000

toward Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Guild’s pledge for a

$267,000 High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Device for Radiation Oncology.

This is the guild’s major fund-raising event each year.

The event was in the Universal Sheraton’s Grand Ballroom on March

15. Carin Holmenas once again produced the show, which featured

fashions from Robert Ellis of Studio City and men’s fashions from Sy

Devoce. Linda Hope was an honored guest representing her parents

Dolores and Bob Hope.

Event chairwoman was Jo Massimini and her co-chairwomen were Neva

Harmon, Kay Lusitana, Grace Mylroie Patz and Lori Riela.

Providence St. Joseph Medical Center’s mission is to meet the

needs of the community with its building program and advanced health

care technology. The guild is dedicated to supporting that mission.

Students honored in Kiwanis contests

More than 250 entries are in the judging process of the Burbank

Noon Kiwanis Club “Pause for the Pledge of Allegiance” patriotic

Poster and Photo Contests.

Students from Monterey and Bellarmine-Jefferson high schools are

participating for the first time in this seventh annual Flag Day


The works of five finalists from each grade category will be on

display at the Burbank Central Library from Sunday to June 13. Cash

prizes will be awarded to each winner during the “Pause for the

Pledge of Allegiance” ceremony on Flag Day at 3 p.m. June 14 at the

Burbank Tennis Center in McCambridge Park.

Beastly Ball Safari raising funds for zoo

The Greater Los Angeles Zoo Assn. is coordinating a dinner and

fund-raising auction for its 33rd annual Beastly Ball Safari from 6

p.m. to midnight June 14 at the zoo.

Proceeds will go to the L.A. Zoo and Botanical Gardens.

Following the cocktail hour, about two dozen restaurants,

including Cinnabar and Bistro 45, will provide an array of dinner

specialties. A silent auction of about 200 items will be divided into

three categories, a general auction, a new luxury auction and the

“designer posh pads for pets.” Guests can bid on the elaborate pet

environments that have been designed by 10 noted interior designers.

Several musical groups will entertain, including Soulville

performing 1970s tunes.

Tickets are $500 per person and can be reserved by calling (323)


Autism and nutrition discussed at meeting

The Foothill Autism Alliance, Inc. will meet at 7:30 p.m. June 11

at the Burbank Center for the Retarded, 230 Amherst Drive in Burbank.

Moira Giammatteo and Cathy Beier will speak on how to effectively

implement dietary interventions for patients with autism without

major disruptions to the family.

For more information, call 662-8847.

Compiled by Joyce Rudolph
