
Residents weigh in on library use

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Laura Sturza

Lively discussion about the future of the old Buena Vista library

filled the new library’s community room, when more than 100 people

considered uses for the old building, including a child-care center,

an art or puppet museum, or single-family homes.

“Some of [the talk] was very passionate, especially at the

child-care area,” City Planner Joy Forbes said of discussions among

those who attended Saturday’s meeting. “Some were adamantly opposed;

they didn’t think that a city asset should necessarily go to benefit

only a certain number of children.”

Burbank resident Robin Wright, who could not find what she

considered to be high-quality child care for her daughter, supports

turning the library into a child care center.

“I looked at about 10 [centers],” Wright said. “The ones I loved

had a waiting list. I ended up having to take my child into Glendale

for child care.”

The cost of remodeling the library to turn it into a child- care

center for as many as 100 children is estimated to be about $1 to

$1.4 million, Redevelopment Project Manager Maribel Frausto said.

“At no time during the meeting did we reach consensus, but that

was never the intent,” Frausto said. “It was to get feedback on likes

and dislikes and also any other ideas for the site.”

Other mixed-use ideas proposed included turning the building into

a museum or a theater, or using it as a community meeting space. City

staff is expected to present a report on the meeting to the City

Council, which will make the final decision on the use of the

property at a council meeting in July or August.
