
Pancake breakfast raises $1,000

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The Burbank Family YMCA Y’s Men achieved great success at their

annual Pancake Breakfast. With about 500 breakfasts served, the

service club raised well over a $1,000 for the various YMCA-related

youth organizations.

Chris, Lisa and Alex Nishimura were among those who helped out.

Also present were Lisa Rawlins, Nancy and Brian Hurst, Merle and Jim

Woodburn, Alice and Frank Newcomer, and Celia and Don Jordan.

Burbank Family YMCA Y’s Men Service Club meets at 6 p.m. the

first and third Tuesday of the month at the Burbank YMCA, 321 E.

Magnolia Blvd. For membership information, contact Denny Grossman at


Noon Kiwanis honor students

The Noon Kiwanis Club recently had its annual luncheon honoring

outstanding educators and students in Burbank. This year, the

Outstanding Educator Awards went to Larry Johnson, Bret Harte

Elementary School; David Harris, Burbank High School; Julie Barnhart,

Jefferson Elementary School; Phillip Silverstein, Jordan Middle

School; and Linda Beaumaster, Roosevelt Elementary School. Students

honored were Ariana Myles, Burbank High School; Ashley Nicole

Santos-Shivley, Burbank High School; Matt Piper, John Burroughs High

School; and Radostina Vladimirova, Burbank Adult School. Alexandra

Kostalas of the Burbank High Key Club was also recognized as an

outstanding Key Club member and given the E. Daniel Remy Award.

Burbank Noon Kiwanis meet at noon every Wednesday at the Burbank

YMCA, 321 E. Magnolia Blvd. For membership information, call Herb

Vincent at 848-2962.

Optimists present

$500 in scholarships

The Magnolia Park Optimist Club is betting on the future by

investing in local students. Ten outstanding graduating seniors from

Burbank high schools were given $500 scholarships at its recent

annual awards breakfast. Scholarship chairman Bill Flora and his

committee evaluated more than 60 applications, judging on the basis

of academic achievement, extracurricular participation and

school/community service.

Recipients from Burbank High School were Richard Huh (UC

Berkeley), Kyle Stephenson (UC Berkeley) and Kelsey Browne (USC).

From John Burroughs High School, recipients were Timothy Salamon (UC

Berkeley), Liena Ruiz (UCLA) and Laura Davy (UC Berkeley). From

Providence High School, winners were Sean Kaloostian (USC) and

Santosh Desai (UCLA). From Bellarmine- Jefferson High School,

recipients were Robin De Leonardis (UC Berkeley) and Sarkis

Sherbetchyan (USC).

Magnolia Park Optimists meet at 7:30 a.m. Thursdays at the DeBell

Golf Course, 500 Walnut Ave. For membership information, call Gene

Gardner at 845-1192.

Civitans sponsor center’s

last dance of season

The Burbank Civitan Club will again be participating in the Grand

Finale Gala, the last dance of the 2002-2003 season for the Burbank

Center for the Retarded.

Adults and teens with developmental disabilities will be dancing

the night away from 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. June 13 at the McCambridge

Recreation Center, 1515 N. Glenoaks Blvd.

Burbank Civitan Club meets at 7:30 p.m. the first and third

Thursdays of every month at the Coral Cafe, 3321 W. Burbank Blvd. For

membership information, call Bill Newbro at 846-0731.

* EDWARD HEADINGTON’S column runs the first Wednesday of the

month. Reach him by e-mail at, fax at 688-8005,

or mail at P.O. Box 10489, Burbank, CA 91510.
