
Postal food drive called a success I...

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Postal food drive called a success

I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank Burbank postal

workers and the generous residents of this fair city for the

wonderful outpouring of food that the Burbank Temporary Aid Center

received from last month’s postal food drive. More than 33,000 food

items were donated, which will enable us to provide groceries for our

hungry neighbors for weeks to come.

Together with our regular collections from churches, temples, the

National Charity League and our many individual donors, this postal

collection will provide a wonderful base of nonperishable foodstuffs

to last us through the summer months. In these difficult economic

times, more and more clients are coming to BTAC seeking assistance.

It is a great joy to be able to assist those in need, thanks to the

efforts of our hard-working postal workers and the support of the



Burbank Temporary Aid Center

Platt needs to lower its profile

I respect the opinions of Carolyn Berlin, who resigned from the

Planning Commission, and Rolf Darbo, one of the residents in the area

of the proposed Platt Project. Darbo wrote on these pages about his

negative feelings regarding the development. I live about three or

four blocks west of the proposed project on the other side of the

Ventura (134) Freeway. The area is starting to build up traffic

during weekly business hours. Some of it funnels down from or goes

over Barham Boulevard.

The project in question could use some redevelopment, but not to

the extent espoused by the Platt Co. The residents in the immediate

area would like a lower profile, including a reduction in the number

of floors of the office and apartment buildings.

The City Council voting against Platt was more attuned to the will

of the voters. The city staff should step out of their ivory towers.

The residents want responsible development. She made the most

dramatic move she could to get her point across.


