
A heartfelt thanks from the troops

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Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to Burbank resident

Doris Vick and other members of the San Fernando Valley WAVES, who

send cookies to American troops around the world as part of Operation

Cookie Lift.

Dear Doris, Diane, Cam and all the Girl Scouts from Troop 263,

Hello from Eagle Base, Tuzla, Bosnia. We received your package

today and were we pleasantly surprised. Girl Scout cookies are in

great demand here. They are a very popular item. We thank you so very


I have made little handouts for the soldiers with all of your

e-mail addresses and physical addresses so that they may write their

notes of appreciation. You have no idea how much these people

appreciate boxes from home. I, myself, have been in the Balkans for

four years with the different units. I can say, firsthand, that all

of the soldiers just love this kind of appreciation from home. Thank

you for your kind thoughts and your generosity.


USO Bosnia
