
Burned officer released from hospital

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A Burbank Police reserve sergeant severely burned last month while

disposing of road flares was released from the hospital this week.

DeWayne Wolfer, a 19-year veteran of the department, returned to

his Burbank home Tuesday after leaving the Grossman Burn Center in

Sherman Oaks, according to a police spokesman.

Wolfer received second- and third-degree burns to the left side of

his body and face while disposing of defective road flares at the

police shooting range May 16. Police said heat from the fire reached

ground water, causing a steam bubble to explode at the surface.

The Burbank Police Officers Assn. has donated more than $3,000 to

Wolfer’s family to help cover the costs of his recovery as well as

lost pay for the self-em- ployed dentist. Officials with the police

union have said they are planning fund-raisers for Wolfer.

Ben Godar
