
Zonta helps new library bloom The Zonta...

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Zonta helps new

library bloom

The Zonta Club of Burbank recently donated a yellow rose to the

Buena Vista Library garden to mark Zonta Rose Day, a celebration

honoring International Women’s Day.

For decades, the yellow rose has been a symbol of Zonta

International. The Zonta Club of Burbank looks forward to

contributing more yellow roses to public spaces in the city.

Daughters meet

for potluck picnic

A potluck picnic is planned by the United Daughters of the

Confederacy, Capt. Sally Tompkins Chapter beginning at noon today at

McCambridge Park, 1515 N. Glenoaks Blvd.

Following the meeting, the group will attend the city Flag Day

ceremonies. The group is a service organization made up of women who

are descended from soldiers who served in the Civil War for the

Confederate States of America.

Anyone interested in researching their eligibility and attending

the next meeting, call Cheryl McMillan at 843-5288.

Women educators

celebrate with brunch

Retiring educators Jackie Dwight and Sharon Snell will be honored

for their years of service at the annual end-of-the-school- year

brunch of the Burbank Beta Epsilon Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. The

meeting begins at 9 a.m. June 21 at the home of Marge Chesney.

One of the goals of the society is to unite women educators in a

genuine fellowship. Program leaders Debbie Ginnetti and Linda Strong

also will review the chapter’s accomplishments of this past school


Lunch fund-raiser

sends kids to camp

Tom Shayman, owner of the Burbank Bar and Grille, will host a

fund-raiser to support the Burbank Boys & Girls Club in celebration

of the restaurant’s sixth anniversary.

From 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 27, guests are invited to a buffet

lunch, including a soft drink, for $10.

All of the proceeds will go to benefit the Summer Camp Fund to

send youngsters to summer camp.

For tickets, call 842-9333.

Cabrini Guild

installs officers

Patricia Price was installed as president of the Cabrini Literary

Guild Thursday at the Oakmont Country Club in Glendale.

Joining her on the board are Carmen McClelland, first vice

president; Joan Hutton, second vice president; Anne Herrmann,

recording secretary; Genevieve Collopy, treasurer; Sally Bettar,

general curator; Rosa Hohman, director of writing awards; Jan Kubani,

director of membership; and Gloria McGill, corresponding secretary.
