
Reader has questions for police about Gitana...

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Reader has questions for police about Gitana

It sounds like Gitana’s Restaurant has turned into a war zone. On

the night of April 20, 50 people got into a slugfest. Another night,

20 people were in a brawl.

Police say most of the incidents at Gitana involve intoxicated

people getting into fights. Isn’t there a law against serving people

who have had too much to drink? Can’t people be arrested for public

drunkenness? Is the Police Department showing a new tolerance for

such activities? If so, why?

Some of these outstanding citizens will probably leave Gitana in

their cars with a higher than legal amount of alcohol in their

bloodstream. They’ll be a potential danger on the city streets.

The establishment has been billed $3477 for excessive police calls

from October through December, and police are currently calculating a

bill for the first four months of this year. How can a restaurant or

club run by rational people allow this to happen?

The city has proved that it is very tolerant; now’s the time to

get tough.

Wesley Greene


Maybe these layoffs aren’t so bad after all

Boo-hoo, I’m in tears here for the city employees who are

complaining of their impending layoff. Apparently, as circumstance

would have it, some employees feel that they’ve been laid off due to

age. Now some, including Ellen Tanner, are alleging some form of age


Ms. Tanner, I might remind you that you are being offered the best

severance package that anyone I know has been offered of late, and

that is a paycheck for the rest of your life. That’s what a civil

service retirement is. Money in your pocket for doing nothing at all.

The only restriction that you face, in order to claim this paycheck,

is to go to another position which doesn’t have the same retirement


Sounds like a great deal to me. Where do I sign up?

I know plenty of people who have been laid off from their jobs in

the last two years, and they haven’t received one cent in

compensation. Yet they’ve taken what fate has dealt them and moved on

as best as they could. This year, I realistically face the same fate

as you might. However, I will get no retirement offered to me. I’ll

be lucky to get a severance package at all, as a matter of fact.

Before you contemplate filing a claim with the city, think about

the implications that it has on other people. Your actions could cost

others their jobs as well.

Todd R. Wilson

