
‘AGA-BOOM’ is imaginative, magical clowning performance

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Matt Bellner

If you have children and want them to experience the joy and magic of

live theater, treat yourself and the kids to “AGA-BOOM,” now playing

at the Falcon Theatre in Burbank.

The show features the husband-and-wife clown team of Dimitri

Bogatirev and Iryna Ivanytska, both of whom perform with the world

famous Cirque Du Soleil. The other performer is the talented Philip

Karp-Briggs, who has toured throughout the world with the Ringling

Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

It’s tough to describe. It’s part slapstick and part performance

art and it resembles Lon Chaney interpreting a Pink Floyd album. The

experience is crisp because the play lasts 75 minutes, so you will

have no problem keeping the kids entertained.

“AGA-BOOM” is not for everyone. If your idea of entertainment is

watching “Road House” on TNT for the 15th time, then I would advise

you to steer clear of this performance. If you enjoy using your

imagination and are open to new forms of entertainment, then this

show is for you.

Bogatirev does a fine job of directing and the few slow moments

are brought back up to speed with the incredible music and sound

effects that are expertly placed throughout the play.

The audience was clapping and singing along with the very catchy

theme song. Young adults and children were dancing in the aisles

during the lively conclusion. The clowns even pick a few people out

of the audience to participate in the action. Be ready, they may

choose you.

The only drawback to “AGA-BOOM,” may be the somewhat high ticket

prices. But do yourself a favor and steer clear of the megaplex for

one weekend and take the kids to this show. They will thank you for

