
Long live the Lockheed Constellation What a...

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Long live the Lockheed Constellation

What a wonderful sight to see the beautiful Lockheed Constellation

“flying” overhead in Burbank, where it was designed and built. In

1939, Howard Hughes began working with Kelly Johnson at Lockheed to

create what may be the most aesthetically pleasing passenger airplane

ever built. In service by January 1943, the Connie served us well

during WWII as a military troop carrier.

After the war, it was used by TWA to introduce us to the new and

sophisticated world of reliable pressurized air travel. It protected

our shores for years by flying radar patrols along the Defense Early

Warning lines. It was instrumental in the Berlin airlift. It was used

as late at the Vietnam War for radar surveillance and fire control.

Of over 800 built, there remain less than a dozen still flying.

I miss the sound of a heavily loaded Flying Tigers Connie taking

off from Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport.

I am extremely proud of our local citizens who built the beautiful

Constellation and many thousands of other aircraft. I congratulate

the airport staff that somehow found the money to make such a

striking and important investment in our local history.

I lament that there is no property or building dedicated to the

memory of the men and women who accomplished such great aviation

history here. Especially during this year of the centennial of

powered flight, the Burbank area is missing a great opportunity by

not recognizing our contribution to aviation history. From Charlie

Taylor -- the man who made the Wright brothers successful -- to the

birthplace of the Lockheed Skunk Works and the Portal of the Folded

Wings-Shrine to Aviation, we have over 60 years of intense aviation

history to celebrate, and this is the year to do it.

Ron Dickson


She keeps animal shelter phone number handy

This is in regard to Grace Hampton’s June 25 letter to the


I agree with everything that Ms. Hampton had to say about the care

and safety of our pets, but the part of her letter that gave me pause

was when she spoke of the stranded cat she saw on the Burbank

Boulevard overpass. She said: “I still think about that poor cat and

keep hoping that somebody managed to rescue him.”

In order for “someone” to know that any animal is in danger and is

in need of care or rescue, “someone” needs to be contacted. That

someone is the Burbank Animal Shelter. I keep the shelter’s phone

number in my car so if I ever see a stray dog or cat -- or any animal

in peril -- I can immediately call for assistance.

I also keep a blanket and some kibbles in my car in case I see a

stray so that I can attempt to lure the animal with the food and then

see if it is wearing a collar with an ID tag. Some people I know also

carry a collar, leash and small crate just in case they come upon a

stray. This way, if you can, you can get the animal into your

possession to bring it to the shelter. However, if you encounter any

animal that in any way seems skittish or shows aggression, it’s best

to call the shelter and let the professionals take over.

Ms. Hampton should be applauded for voicing her concern over the

stranded cat she saw, and I just wanted to follow up by offering some

suggestions that may be of help in making sure that we all know what

to do when we see a pet in peril.

Maxine Andrews-Laurell


AMC 16 moviegoers get more for their money

How is it even remotely possible that a movie ticket for an adult

at the new, state-of-the-art, technologically advanced, comfortable,

stadium seating Burbank 16 costs the same ($9.50) as a movie ticket

for an adult at the Burbank 8, located on the third floor of a

shopping mall?

Hector Reyes

