
Air travelers err with fireworks

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Ben Godar

Some travelers departing from the Burbank-Glendale- Pasadena Airport

for the Fourth of July didn’t think to leave their fireworks behind,

and airport police say the repercussions could be more severe the

next time they fly.

At least six travelers have been stopped in the past week with

some type of fireworks, Security Chief Mike Post said. The fireworks

were all confiscated and destroyed, and Post said none of the

travelers were issued citations.

While the fireworks might be legal in the areas people are

traveling to or from, Post said no one will be allowed on a plane

with explosives.

“This is the consummate brain-dead person who isn’t thinking about

the context,” he said.

While the travelers in possession of fireworks were not detained,

Post said residue left by the fireworks could be detected by

screening equipment the next time they fly, which could lead to the

individual being detained by security personnel.

“The biggest implication is that a lot of these chemicals are the

same ones as in more serious explosive compounds,” he said.

While fireworks are prohibited inside the airport, police said

they are also illegal outside the facility.

Burbank Police spokesman Sgt. William Berry said all fireworks are

banned in the city, including sparklers.

“This entire metropolitan area is just too inhabited to do stuff

like that,” he said.

Those found in possession of fireworks can be issued a citation

for the infraction, but Berry said this weekend officers would be

dealing with many people who use the devices anyway.

“The poor officers who work nights are going to be getting all

sorts of calls all over the city for fireworks,” he said.
