
Former BTAC director gives thanks for support

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It was with great pleasure and pride that I had the opportunity to

serve in the capacity of executive director of the Burbank Temporary

Aid Center for the past three years. Having raised four children in

Burbank and presently enjoying my grandchildren, who are very much

involved in various sports and activities in our city, I am more

convinced than ever about how blessed we are to reside in such a

caring community.

The Burbank Temporary Aid Center is often the last hope for

individuals who have been stricken with catastrophic illness or loss

of employment and are desperately trying to pull their lives

together. Often they need not only financial assistance but a warm

smile, a hug or just someone to listen to their situation.

It goes without saying that your contributions and support of BTAC

have touched many lives since it inception 27 years ago. It is

heartwarming when someone who was once helped by BTAC when they were

destitute comes to the center, filled with emotion, and happily

contributes generously in one way or another to reciprocate. How

gratifying for all concerned.

There is no way to adequately express my appreciation for all of

the generous support given to BTAC during my tenure, especially to

the wonderful and caring volunteers who unselfishly gave their time

to help others. The past three years have truly been the most

rewarding years of my life, and I shall be forever grateful to each

and every one of you.

Patricia Smola

