
Smola made BTAC the best ever What...

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Smola made BTAC the best ever

What a sad affair. As volunteers under five directors at Burbank

Temporary Aid Center, we would like to acknowledge the disappointment

we felt when we read of the firing of Pat Smola. Pat took BTAC and

made it an organization that Burbank could be proud of. She did this

without any previous experience in the field.

We hope they can find someone who can work with clients and

volunteers as effectively as she did. Thanks to Pat Smola’s

commitment and dedication, BTAC is the best it’s ever been.

Richard and Patsy Danskin


BTAC volunteers should not resign

I just finished reading the article and the letters regarding the

Burbank Temporary Aid Center situation. I’m very surprised that the

volunteers are resigning. Why? The people who need their services

will still be there. The reason they volunteered in the first place

was to help those in need. That hasn’t changed. And unless Rev.

[Larry] Stamper believes that the funds are being used improperly,

why would he withhold the church’s contribution?

The problems at BTAC are between the director and the board.

Wouldn’t it be best to let them sort the difficulties? Everyone else

should continue to make sure that BTAC carries on helping the people

in our community who are in the most need.

Glorya Rane


Editor’s note: As of Monday, only one volunteer had said she

planned to step down because of Pat Smola’s firing as executive

director of Burbank Temporary Aid Center. While Rev. Larry Stamper of

First United Methodist Church told the Leader that he had “some

concerns” about the agency, he did not say he would withhold

contributions made by the church.

Why make children wait in the heat?

On July 10, my children went to the Buena Vista Library for the 3

p.m. reading program. Those of us who have children know that some

children would like to line up early to be in front. I have one of

those children. In 90-degree weather, Buena Vista Library staff made

our children line up outside the library instead of inside the

library with the air conditioner running.

When I approached the staff, I was told that they are not going to

change that. The question remains in my mind: Why would the library

have our children suffer in the heat when inside, the library is

cool? Frankly, the noise level would not be much worse than what it

is now in the circulation area. I think this is another unreasonable

act by the Buena Vista Library staff, that they would bring up any

excuse to support their decision.

Saba Mokhtari


Girl Scouts can use old library site

Dear Burbank City Council members,

When you consider how to use the “old” Buena Vista Library

property at your meeting on July 22, please take into consideration

what the Girl Scouts in Burbank and the San Fernando Valley mean to

our community. My 7-year-old daughter has been a member of Troop 48

in Burbank for the past two years, and I must say that the experience

has been a meaningful one for her and us. The Girl Scout organization

offers so very much to our young girls in such an important part of

their upbringing. We can help that organization by allowing the Girl

Scout Council of San Fernando Valley and Burbank the use of this

great property. Please consider this option and help our girls.

Thank you for your time,

Sam, Linda, and

Samantha Orender

