
Nicoll leaving City Hall

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Tim Willert

After two decades with the city, Management Services Director John

Nicoll is moving on.

Nicoll is leaving next month to become chief deputy executive

officer for Ventura County, where he will be responsible for labor

relations and risk management.

“It is an opportunity to expand my career,” Nicoll, 54, said

Thursday. “I get to focus specifically on something I enjoy, the

labor relations aspect of government relations.”

Nicoll, who has been Burbank’s director of management services

since 1988, oversees the department’s administration, employee

relations and risk management divisions.

Hired as a budget analyst by the city in 1976, Nicoll has worked

in six different departments and had seven titles. In 1982, Nicole

went into private business but returned in 1985 to be the city’s

budget manager.

“John Nicoll has done a terrific job for the city,” City Manager

Mary Alvord said in a prepared statement. “He has guided the

administrative arm of city government through good times and lean

times. His knowledge and experience will be truly missed.”

Nicoll, whose last day with the city is Aug. 15, will be replaced

by Judie Sarquiz, Burbank’s deputy financial services director.

Sarquiz, a former city clerk, resigned that post in November 2001

to become the city’s deputy financial services director. Since then

she has managed the department’s budget and purchasing sections and

overseen preparation of the budget.

“I think that my experience will be beneficial because I’ve had

the opportunity to see the big picture,” Sarquiz, 34, said. “I can

bring that knowledge into labor negotiations.”

Sarquiz, who began her career with the city in 1988 as a

management intern, worked for Nicoll at one point, and says she will

greatly missed.

“He’s a bright man, and he’s been a great asset,” she said.

“Burbank’s loss is Ventura County’s gain.”

Both Alvord and Nicoll said Sarquiz’s experience in city

government will serve her well in her new position.

“Judie [possesses] good management skills and good analytical

skills,” Nicoll said. “She has credibility with employees, the City

Council, the community and the employees. She’s an excellent choice.”

Said Alvord: “I’m confident that this area of city management is

in very capable hands.”

Nicoll, who accepted the position Monday, will start his new job

Aug. 21. He said he will be paid about $130,000 annually, a raise of

about $9,000.
