
Panhellenic group gives scholarships The Glendale Area...

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Panhellenic group gives scholarships

The Glendale Area Alumnae Panhellenic, a nonprofit organization

consisting of national Panhellenic sorority alumnae, has awarded a

total of $4,200 in scholarship funds to Burbank high school


Recipients from Burbank High School and all living in Burbank are

Kelsey Browne, who will attend USC; Kelsey Cooke, who will attend

Biola University; Courtney Glazer, who will attend University of

Redlands; Jillian Hensiek, who will attend San Diego State

University; Jade Ku, who will attend San Diego State University;

Kristina Kurasz, who will attend UC Santa Barbara; Ariana Myles, who

will attend Woodbury College; and Elizabeth Lilly, who will attend


The recipient from John Burroughs High School is Alicia Joe of

Burbank, who will attend Colorado School of Mines.

Recipients from Bellarmine-Jefferson High School are Robin De

Leonardis of Sun Valley, who will attend UC Berkley; Janelle

McCulloch of Burbank, who will attend San Francisco State University;

and Meredith Morgan of Burbank, who will attend Loyola Marymount


For more information, call Lynne Graves at 790-3746.

Autism alliance has resource meeting

The Foothill Autism Alliance Inc., which supports families of

individuals with autism, will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Burbank

Center for the Retarded, 230 Amherst Drive.

A copy of the “60 Minutes II” interview with Tito Mukapadhyay and

his mother will be shown, highlighting the Rapid Prompting Method. In

addition, a video reviewing different behavior intervention

strategies for children with autism will be presented. A discussion

will follow.

For more information, call 662-8847.
