
Rescue group gets Chihuahuas

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Ben Godar

A judge late Friday released about 175 vicious Chihuahuas seized from

an Acton breeder to a Burbank-based rescue group, to be placed in

foster homes.

Judge Lisa Chung made the ruling late Friday after hearing about

five hours of motions in the case, a court official said.

“I’m ecstatic,” Deputy Dist. Atty. Steven Heller said. “We’ve been

working very hard for a couple of months to make this happen.”

Los Angeles County Animal Control officials seized the dogs from

Emma Harter in November. While in Harter’s care, officials said, the

dogs had formed feral packs and were preying on weaker dogs.

Animal control officials said initially that most of the dogs

needed to be destroyed, but Chihuahua Rescue reached an agreement

with the county last month to place the dogs with rescue

professionals. But when the agreement was taken before a judge,

Harter refused to sign it.

Heller said the judge on Friday ruled that Harter no longer had

any ownership of the animals.

“I believe the judge believed this was the best position for the

dogs, and she said the owner had no legal right to assert what should

happen to the dogs,” he said.

Heller said he expected officials from Chihuahua Rescue to begin

transporting the dogs Monday. Alaska Airlines and other organizations

have offered discounted rates to help the dogs be taken to foster

homes throughout the country.

Kimi Peck, founder of Chihuahua Rescue, could not be reached for

comment late Friday.
