
Burbank women honored

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Molly Shore

Suzanne Cox and Joan Ortiz are local businesswomen who donate

countless hours making the community a better place while managing

successful businesses and nurturing their families.

For their efforts, Cox and Ortiz are recipients of Women in

Business Awards sponsored by Sen. Jack Scott (D-Burbank), Assemblyman

Dario Frommer (D-Burbank) and Assemblywoman Carol Liu (D-La Canada

Flintridge). The awards recognize outstanding female business leaders

in the 21st Senate district and 43rd and 44th Assembly districts. The

23 recipients were selected based on community nominations in 10

different categories.

Cox, the owner of Bookkeeping by Cox in Burbank, won one of three

community service awards, while Ortiz, vice president of

Burbank-based Limerick Inc., received the women in science and

technology award.

The recipients will be honored by the community at a special

luncheon hosted by Scott, Frommer and Liu on Oct. 17 at the Los

Angeles Equestrian Center in Burbank.

Frommer characterized the winners as pioneers.

“It is still, unfortunately, a man’s world. For women to start

businesses, be CEOs and serve on boards is tough,” Frommer said

Thursday. “The women who do succeed are an inspiration, and their

accomplishments should be shared.”

Cox, 62, a 15-year member of the Burbank Sunrise Rotary Club, was

nominated by Rotary Club President David Smith.

“Although David felt that I was well qualified for [the award], no

one really said why my qualifications are better than anyone else’s,”

Cox said.

Cox also serves on the boards of the Kids Community Clinic and the

Salvation Army. She is a former Burbank Temporary Aid Center board


Ortiz, 45, and her mother, Patricia Kelly, run Limerick, which

manufactures breast pumps for nursing mothers. Ortiz was on vacation

when her mother called to tell her she had been selected.

“I was very happy, very surprised and very honored,” Ortiz said.

Councilwoman Marsha Ramos, who has known Ortiz for more than 20

years, nominated her for the award.

“Because she is a working mother, she understands the challenges

of working and nurturing children,” Ramos said.
