
Notice to Charlie Brown’s Great Pumpkin: Move...

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Notice to Charlie Brown’s Great Pumpkin: Move over and make way for

Big Max. The pumpkin patch in back of Bob and Lisa Gunner’s house on

North Orchard Drive has produced five pumpkins of the Big Max

variety, much to the delight of the couple’s two sons, Daniel, 1, and

Maxwell, 2. Lisa Gunner wanted to plant tomatoes, so her husband

bought tomato plants along with corn and pumpkin seeds. Bob Gunner

said he wanted to plant something that would grow fast so that his

young sons could see the fruits of his labor. Hence, he bought Big

Max pumpkins, which grow larger than most commercial pumpkins in a

shorter period of time. Come October, the family need go no further

than out their back door to select their jack-o’-lantern for

