
I have been a regular supporter of...

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I have been a regular supporter of the Burbank Temporary Aid Center

for over 10 years. During the last few years I have grown very

concerned at the turmoil and lack of positive direction from the

executive board at the center. Several directors have arrived and

been summarily fired.

Firing Pat Smola in June was another in a rather long list of bad

decisions by the BTAC board. Pat was by far the finest director BTAC

has had in many years. She should have been supported and rewarded.

Certainly Pat should not have been let go. I can only conclude that

responsibility for the current sad state of affairs at BTAC lies with

the executive board.

Effective immediately, I will no longer be supporting BTAC in any

way. I will no longer be bringing food for the pantry. I will not

bring any clothing to the center, nor will I provide any Christmas

toys. All regularly scheduled monetary donations will now stop.

I cannot in good conscience continue my support until there is a

substantial change in the leadership on the BTAC board. I believe the

mission of BTAC is an important and worthwhile cause. It is with

great sadness that I stop supporting BTAC, at least for the near

term. Many of my friends in the community feel the same as I do.

In the event that there is a major change in leadership, I will be

glad to reconsider supporting BTAC again.

Dan Ortoski

