
Beta Epsilon has first meeting of year...

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Beta Epsilon has first meeting of year

The Beta Epsilon Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma will have its first

meeting of the new club year Monday at Genio’s Restaurant in Burbank.

The program committee will reveal the programs for the year.

Members will bring two bags of school supplies to support the

children of the YWCA’s charitable project.

For more information, call Bonnie Becken at 843-3420.

Etiquette at work is speaker’s topic

Verdugo Glen Chapter of the American Business Women’s Assn. will

meet on Wednesday at the Glendale Elks, 120 E. Colorado Blvd., in


Networking is at 6:30 p.m. followed by the dinner, program and

business meeting at 7 p.m. The speaker is Margaret Develey, whose

topic is “Business and Social Etiquette for Today.”

Develey was trained and certified by the Protocol School of

Washington, D.C. She also has a master’s degree in business

administration, coupled with 20 years of managerial experience in

the hospitality industry.

She is a contributing columnist for the Signal newspaper of the

Santa Clarita Valley. The cost for dinner is $17. For information and

reservations, call Barbara at 951-2703 by 6 p.m. Sunday.

Fashion show benefits Childrens Hospital

“Celebrate America” is the theme for the fashion show luncheon

planned by La Providencia Guild of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles on

Oct. 5 at the Sheraton Universal Hotel.

Approximately 700 ladies and a few men will see the red, white and

blue color scheme in committee members’ outfits and incorporated in

the table centerpieces. A highlight of the day’s festivities will be

a special patriotic presentation.

Invitation chairwoman Jane Tunnicliffe had graphic artist Rich

Riccuiti design an invitation that captures the theme.

Jenna Chandler is handling the reservations with help from

co-chairwoman Charlene Dettmann. Tish Sellers is in charge of the

50/50 tickets going for $10 each. Winners will not need to be present

to win.

Donated items are being arranged by Judy Gragg and Linda Hansen is

preparing the opportunity tickets. Janet Puchlik has arranged for

vendors to show their jewelry, clothing accessories and gift items

for guests’ shopping enjoyment. The guild’s cookbook, “Ladies of Good

Taste,” will be available for sale. Fashions by Margo’s in Newhall

will grace the runway.

Cinema club has fund-raising potluck dinner

The Los Angeles Cinema Club, now in its 72nd year, will have a

fund-raising potluck dinner before its meeting Wednesday in the

Social Hall of the Little White Chapel, 1711 N. Avon St., Burbank.

The dinner and a silent auction will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the

regular meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.

The subject of the meeting will be judging and rating videos. The

group will screen a selected video, then rate it and discuss its

values. A recording of the recent report about the club from CBS

radio’s “The Osgood File” will be played for the membership and a

prize-winning, entertaining video will be shown.

The Potluck is being coordinated by Treasurer Nadine Russek.

Anyone wishing to participate should call her at (626) 304-4800.

According to Burbank resident and President Walt Gilmore, the

amateur photo club, which has met in Burbank for more than a year

now, is a social and special interest group made up of beginners and

experienced filmmakers, including many international and national

contest winners.

Although the group primarily works in video formats now, members

also work in color slides and film. The group is open to visitors who

make films, edit films and enjoy showing and/or watching them.

For more information, call Gilmore at 842-3820.

Descanso volunteers welcome new members

Garden Guias, a group of volunteer weekend guides at Descanso

Gardens, will welcome new members this month. An introductory session

for potential members will be at 10 a.m. Sept. 27 in Descanso’s

Classroom B. Monthly training sessions and meetings will continue

throughout the year.

During walking tours of the landscape, members offer information

about the gardens’ history and plants. The men and women in the

Guias, which means guides in Spanish, range from teens to seniors.

Volunteer Coordinator Anina Minotto and Public Programs Manager

Robin Sease coordinate the group. For more information, call Minotto

at 949-7978.

Compiled by Joyce Rudolph
