
Nurses accused of manslaughter

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Jackson Bell

Two Providence St. Joseph nurses who allegedly gave a terminally ill

patient the wrong medication have been charged with manslaughter.

The Los Angeles District Attorney’s office Tuesday filed charges

of involuntary manslaughter and practicing medicine without a license

against nurses Kelly Miyasato, 31, and Amy Brunner, 25. They were

arrested Thursday at the Burbank Police Department and later freed on

their own recognizance.

Their arraignment, originally scheduled for Thursday, has been

postponed to Oct. 17 in Burbank Superior Court.

Pierre Azar, 80, died June 7 minutes after the nurses gave him a

sedative to calm him. His doctors did not prescribe the sedative,

police said. Azar had requested hospital staff not attempt to

resuscitate him.

“It’s an unfortunate situation for everyone involved,” Burbank

Police Sgt. William Berry said.

Hospital spokesman Brian Greene said the nurses were “separated

from the organization” about a week after the incident, but declined

to say whether they resigned or were terminated.
