
Dargenzio -- Nelson Alisa Dargenzio and Matthew...

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Dargenzio -- Nelson

Alisa Dargenzio and Matthew Nelson were married at St. Finbar

Church. Father Albert Bahhuth conducted the ceremony.

A reception followed in the Starlight Room of The Castaway. The

traditional formal wedding reception featured a sit-down meal,

cake-cutting, toasts, dancing and garter and bouquet toss.

Special events included a surprise grand entrance in which the

bride rode in on the groom’s back and a surprise dance that the bride

and groom had specially choreographed to a country-bluegrass song.

The bride is the daughter of Richard and Kathy Dargenzio of


The groom is the son of Robert Nelson and Lois Wilson of Avon,


The maids of honor were Jenna Dargenzio, the bride’s sister and

Lauren Lacher. Serving as bridesmaids were Breanna Dargenzio and

Rosie Dargenzio, the bride’s cousins; Sharley Yocom; and Asa Nelson,

the groom’s sister.

Flower girls were Alexandra MacLean, Julianna Overstreet and

Jaynie Corliss, the bride’s cousins.

The best man was David Nelson, the groom’s brother. The groomsmen

were Nicholas Dargenzio, the bride’s brother, Henry Wasserman,

Anthony Beissel, Chris Aparicio and Eddie Anderson.

The groom attends Cal State Los Angeles, anticipating receiving

his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in June. He works at

Dargenzio Cabinets with Alisa’s family.

The bride graduated from Cal State Los Angeles in June with a

bachelor’s degree in nursing. In August, she earned her license to

practice as a registered nurse and is working at Childrens Hospital

Los Angeles in the neonatal intensive care unit.

A honeymoon trip was taken to Kauai and Maui, Hawaii. The couple

lives in Burbank.
