
Recipe for a presidential center

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Molly Shore

Former Burbank Mayor David Laurell is helping make the William J.

Clinton Presidential Center and Park a reality, and he’s doing it

with his wife’s chocolate-chip cookies.

Max Laurell’s Kahlua chip cookie recipe is one of several to

appear in “The Clinton Presidential Center Cookbook,” part of a

fund-raising effort to build the center in Little Rock, Ark.

David Laurell said he is honored to be in the company of Al Gore,

Muhammad Ali, James Carville, Whoopi Goldberg, Barbra Streisand,

Chevy Chase, Elizabeth Taylor and others who donated their favorite

recipes for the book.

Max Laurell says her husband deserves to be included in the


“I’m married to a special guy who was mayor of Burbank,” she said.

“He belongs right up there with them.”

Although David Laurell says his wife has only cooked twice since

he’s known her, she happens to be a terrific baker.

Max Laurell said that most people don’t believe the recipe is hers

because she hasn’t cooked since the night before the Northridge


“I bake [the cookies] two times a year, at Valentine’s Day and at

Christmas,” she said. “That’s why it makes it all the more special to


David Laurell first met Clinton in the 1980s, when Laurell was

working in Little Rock for the Arkansas Educational Television

Network. He said he has been a friend of Bill and his wife, Sen.

Hillary Clinton (D-New York), ever since.

“It was Bill Clinton who inspired me to public service,” Laurell


The center, to be built on a 27-acre city park along the south

bank of the Arkansas River, will house the nation’s 12th presidential


“They are magnificent institutions for people, especially young

people, to be able to go and appreciate our history and also realize

what role they can play in government today,” Laurell said.

To purchase a copy of the cookbook, log on to

