
Governor approves gun legislation BURBANK -- Bills...

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Governor approves gun legislation

BURBANK -- Bills requiring new guns to be manufactured with safety

features and prohibiting juveniles convicted of carrying concealed

weapons from owning another gun until 30 were signed Wednesday by

Gov. Gray Davis.

State Sen. Jack Scott (D-Burbank) wrote bill SB 489 to require

center-fire semiautomatic pistols not already listed in the

Department of Justice roster of approved “safe” firearms to be

manufactured with a chamber load indicator and a magazine disconnect


California is the first state in the nation to require such a law,

which will take effect Jan. 1, 2007. Scott also wrote bill SB 824 to

authorize firearm dealers to obtain background checks on employees to

ensure they are not legally prohibited from owning, possessing or

having access to weapons.

Assemblyman Dario Frommer (D-Burbank) wrote AB 319, which

prohibits minors convicted of carrying a concealed handgun or loaded

firearm from owning a gun until 30.

Darleene Barrientos

Restaurant to donate to officer

BURBANK VILLAGE -- A local restaurant is lending its support to a

reserve Burbank Police sergeant badly burned while disposing of

defective road flares.

From 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday, BJ’s Restaurant & Brewery, 107 S.

First St., will donate 20% of food receipts to help cover ongoing

medical costs for DeWayne Wolfer, a 19-year department reserve.

Those interested in participating in the restaurant’s fund-raiser

must pick up a flier from Police Headquarters, 200 N. Third St., and

present it to restaurant staff.

Wolfer suffered second- and third-degree burns to the left side of

his body and face while disposing of the flares at the

police-shooting range May 16.

Scouts to sponsor golf tournament

NORTHRIDGE -- The Verdugo Hills Council of the Boy Scouts of

America will sponsor its annual golf tournament Monday.

The tournament costs $250 and will be at the Porter Valley Ranch

Country Club in Northridge. For reservations or more information,

call 243-6282, ext. 106.

Josh Kleinbaum
