
Jackson BellAs state election officials scramble to...

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Jackson Bell

As state election officials scramble to prepare for Tuesday’s special

election to recall Gov. Gray Davis, registered voters in Burbank and

across the county are being asked to volunteer as poll workers.

“Since this is an unexpected, special election and turnout may be

higher than usual, we need dedicated people from every community to

help us, and help their neighbors, to ensure a successful election,”

Secretary of State Kevin Shelley said in a written statement issued

this week.

Terri Carbaugh, a spokes- woman for Shelley, said Los Angeles

County election officials need to recruit poll workers more quickly

because of the shortened amount of preparation time. She said it has

had about 70 days to prepare for his election, compared to the usual

five or six months.

Grace Chavez, a spokes- woman for the Los Angeles County Registrar

of Voters, could not provide specific information on voters who have

volunteered in Burbank, but said the county is still accepting

volunteers. Chavez said an average of six to nine poll workers are

needed for each of the county’s 1,786 voting locations.

“Being the biggest county in the United States, our needs are

obviously far greater than some of the other counties,” she said.

Those who are interested in volunteering as poll workers can

contact the L.A. County Registrar of Voters at (800) 815-2666 or log

onto for more information.

People who are bilingual are especially encouraged to volunteer.
