
Fritz Coleman adds humor to luncheon

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This year’s Inter-Service Club Luncheon will be among the funniest

ever because the guest speaker is Fritz Coleman, stand-up comedian

and weather forecaster for KNBC-TV Channel 4.

Festivities begin at noon Oct. 15 at The Castaway. The cost is

$25. Luncheon host is none other than the Burbank Noon Rotary.

Those attending will be a “who’s who” of the service club circuit

here in Burbank.

If there’s one event you don’t want to miss this year, it’s this


For more information, contact Noon Rotary President George Mauney

at 842-3276.

“The Noon Rotary is pleased to be host of this year’s luncheon,”

Mauney said. “We’re looking forward to a good time and seeing a few

familiar faces.”

Burbank Noon Rotary meets at noon Tuesdays at the Burbank YMCA,

321 E. Magnolia Blvd.

Noon Optimists install officers

Burbank Noon Optimists recently had an installation luncheon at

Genio’s restaurant. The line of officers for 2003-04 are Ron

Villachia, president; Carmen Satel, vice president; Wayne Mathis,

secretary treasurer; Chuck Van Rensellar, sergeant-at-arms; and Bob

Ventura, speakers chairman.

“It was a good luncheon,” Ventura said. “Now we’re off to prepare

for our annual Halloween Party on the 31st.”

Burbank Noon Optimists meet at noon every Thursday on at the

Anabelle Hotel, 2011 W. Olive Ave. For more information, call Bob

Ventura at 506-8714.

Burbank Noon Lion recognized by City Council

Burbank Noon Lion David Gold was recently honored by the Burbank

City Council with the prestigious Older American Service Award as

recognition for his involvement in serving the blind community.

Throughout the past decade and especially in the past year, Gold

has taken on the responsibility of driving blind residents to monthly

meetings and social events in the area.

Gold also recruited one of his blind riders to the Lions Club, and

makes sure that he is able to attend regular Lions meetings.

“David’s contributions were not exciting or glamorous, but his

service deeply effected the quality of life of a handful of Burbank

residents,” club member Marva Murphy said.

Burbank Noon Lions meet at noon every second and fourth Thursday

at The Castaway, 1250 Harvard Road. For more information, call

Murphy at 955-8018.

Fifth time is charm for Morey Goodstein

Burbank Civitan Club recently installed Morey Goodstein as

president for the fifth time.

Goodstein and his fellow officers for the 2003-04 term assumed

their duties at the 49th Annual Installation and Awards Luncheon at

the illustrious Smoke House.

Matt Mathews, past governor for the California District of Civitan

International, was the installing officer and Randy Garcia, past

president of the Burbank Civitan Club, was the master of ceremonies.

The new officers are Dave Holland, president-elect; Randy Garcia,

secretary; and Irene Goodstein, treasurer.

Serving on the board of directors are Bill Ruhlow, Joe Salazar and

Tom Eisenhaur.

Burbank Civitan Club meets every first and third Thursday at The

Coral Cafe, 3321 W. Burbank Blvd. For more information, call Bill

Newbro at 846-0731.

* EDWARD HEADINGTON’s service club column runs the first Wednesday

of the month. Reach him by e-mail at edward,

phone at 848-5014, fax at 688-8005, or mail at P.O. Box 10489,

Burbank, CA 91510.
