
Let’s focus on the present, not dig...

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Let’s focus on the present, not dig up the past

As a regular reader of the Leader’s sports pages, I believe I’ve

spotted a trend.

It seems to me that when current events give Sports Editor Jeff

Tully reason to pen something complimentary about Burbank High’s

football team, he also feels a frequent compulsion to devote nearly

an equal number of column inches to re-reporting some less than

flattering history about the program.

The problem is that he repeatedly digs back nearly a decade to

find the dirt.

Borrowing from the vernacular of the day, I’d like to say, “Dude!

That stuff is SO last century! Get over it!” After all, the incidents

and allegations Tully keeps re-excavating occurred when this year’s

seniors were in the third grade.

If ideas for sports stories are really that thin, contact me. I’ll

give you a half-dozen leads for current pieces about Burbank High

sports, and you can report some news instead of rehashing history.



Cell-phone use, renaming airport cause for concern

I just had to respond to both Wesley Greene and Cyndi Oatway

regarding the use of cell phones. I also had to respond to Cyndi’s

comment about the airport.

First, Cyndi is entitled to her opinion. However, as long as it

might cost the taxpayers $250,000 to rename the airport, I think you

are going to get a lot of letters regarding the cost. As for the cell

phones, this is a major safety issue.

Second, as Wesley Greene states, “To be preoccupied with talking

on a cell phone and maneuvering an auto at the same time can be

tricky and may be dangerous.”

It is dangerous. Although statistics show that only 5% of

accidents are caused by cell phones, with which by the way, I don’t

agree, I can wholeheartedly state that most of the people who almost

sideswiped me or almost caused an accident were preoccupied drivers

talking on their cell phones. I drive a round trip of 42 miles a day,

five days a week. I’ve experienced many a close call. Aside from

that, I know someone who almost ran a red light while on the cell

phone during a conversation with a co-worker. The co-worker called

this other employee to complain about her work.

To add insult to injury and make the stakes much higher, it has

come to my attention that several MTA bus drivers, including one in

particular, use the cell phone while driving, to talk to her

girlfriends. Any consumer that complains about her cell-phone use or

about her nasty comments is asked to get off the bus. Not only is

this a violation and a safety hazard, it is really lousy customer

service. Now, let’s start a debate on that.

Sorry, Cyndi, but I believe that the use of cell phones by bus

drivers in non-emergency situations requires a lot more debate. Cell

phones and driving are privileges, not rights. Safety and customer

service are rights, not privileges.


