
Supermarket strikers give thanks We at Vons...

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Supermarket strikers give thanks

We at Vons on Pass Avenue and Pavilions on Alameda Avenue would

like to take a minute to thank everyone who is supporting us while we

are out on strike. To all the studio workers, the Burbank Teachers

Assn., Handy Market for their food, drinks and words of

encouragement, and to everyone else who has shown their support, our

sincerest thanks.

This letter would be too long if we listed the names of everyone

who has performed a random act of kindness, but please know we

appreciate your support. In addition, to all our loyal customers who

have taken time to drive by and ask how we are doing, and in many

cases drop off food and drinks, we thank you most of all.

Please know that we want to get back to work as soon as we have

ensured that our futures and the futures of our families receive the

consideration they deserve. We will all be back in the store to make

sure that all our customers are shopping in a well-stocked store

where professionally trained employees will treat you and your

families with the superior service that you deserve.

If it takes a village to raise a child, then it definitely takes

an entire town to rally together and create a sense of community that

extends beyond the walls of a store. When this is all over, we will

once again be giving our best because our customers are our friends

and our community, and our community deserves the best we have to




On behalf of all the

employees at Vons No. 3083

and Pavilions No. 214
