
King and queen greet subjects

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Jackson Bell

The 2003 homecoming kings and queens from Burbank and John Burroughs

high schools were hailed Friday before the kickoff of the 55th annual

Big Game between the two schools at Burroughs’ Memorial field.

King Jordan Crips and Queen Jennifer Austin sit atop the Burbank

High throne this year, and King Matt Patterson and Queen Ashley

Beckwith reign over Burroughs.

“I was completely surprised,” Jennifer said when she heard her

named announced at the Burbank Midnight Masquerade coronation dance

Nov. 1. “I’ve never been nominated for anything before.”

The Bella Notte coronation dance, also Nov. 1, was made more memorable for Ashley because her date was announced as the king.

“We have been good friends for awhile and I’m glad that it turned

out that way,” she said. “It was like icing on the cake.”

But Matt said his teammates on the Indians’ football team take

precedence over the homecoming court.

“I’m honored, but I’m pretty focused on the game,” he said. “I

just want to get this over with and keep my head clear so I can


Jordan said the best part about the title -- besides kidding with

his brothers that they should obey his highness -- is the future

nostalgia that comes with it.

“We get to keep the crowns, so one day I can show it to my kids

and say, ‘Hey, look at the crown -- I am king,’ ” he said.

Sprit Week for both schools, which culminated in the

Burbank-Burroughs football game, included the Red Dog Golf Tournament

Wednesday at DeBell Golf Course and the sixth annual Burbank-

Burroughs Eat-Off Tuesday at Memorial Field. Burbank High won the

contest, out-eating Burroughs 15 submarine sandwiches to 13.

The schools revved up for the Big Game by holding pep rallies

Friday morning. Before the game, the kings and queens rode in

convertibles to lead the afternoon parade.

The princesses and princes of the Burbank Homecoming Court are

Kristin Urquiza, Tanner Bennett, Crystal Orozco, David Garces,

Rebecca Ghadimi and Wyatt Baer. The Burroughs royalty are Val Rico,

Sal Inmaung, Jayde Dennis, Fernal Vasquez, Wendy DeLeon, Mike Ortega,

Jackie Alaniz and Matt Jackson.
