
One last go-around at four more years

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Ryan Carter

Marie Candice was walking by a central plaza on the campus of

Glendale Community College and said she heard an older man talking,

with several other older people standing behind him, so she decided

to see what was going on.

It turned out it was state Sen. Jack Scott (D-Burbank), 70,

officially announcing his candidacy during a news conference for what

would be his last four-year term as state senator, and possibly his

last foray into politics, at least at the state level.

With several officials from Burbank and Glendale standing behind

him, Scott briefly outlined his reasons for running for another term

and goals for working with the new Schwarzenegger administration.

“We’ve just gone through a political earthquake,” he said,

referring to the recall of Gov. Gray Davis. “I believe now is the

time for people to join hands and solve the problems of California.”

The biggest of those challenges is the state’s budget, which

though hashed out in the last legislative session, could be a thorn

again beginning in January, when the new governor introduces his

budget plan for the 2004-05 fiscal year.

Scott, a former educator, administrator and president of Pasadena

City College and Cypress College, said public education was a top

priority. As chairman of the Senate budget committee on education,

Scott said education funding could have been hit harder, but much was


“Jack has been good for education, which is good for cities,”

Burbank Councilwoman Marsha Ramos said. “He has been responsive to

city’s needs. He has experience for the challenges his district

faces. We’re going to need that.”

Candice, a student who wants to transfer to UCLA, said the state

raising community college fees from $11 to $18 a unit is hurting


“They always make promises during campaigns, and then poof, the

promises disappear,” she said of politicians.

Libertarian Bob New, Independent Christy Cassel and Republican

Richard Joseph St. Andrew III are challenging Scott.
