
Charity League celebrates Bal de Noel A...

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Charity League

celebrates Bal de Noel

A winter wonderland of silver snowflakes and twinkling candles

greeted partygoers at this year’s Bal de Noel fund-raiser of the

National Charity League, Burbank Chapter.

President Dana Brooks and event co-chairwomen Vicki Andreassen and

Teresa Moren welcomed a festive crowd of 300 to the 44th annual gala

in the Starlight Room of The Castaway.

A highlight of the evening was the introduction of the evening’s

special hostesses, eight senior Ticktockers from the Class of 2004.

The girls were applauded and then joined the guests in enjoying the

dinner and dancing to the contemporary tunes of the Chuck Wansley


On the organizing committee were Pat Maskell and Karen Barragan,

door prize co-chairwomen, Claire Bartels, Lynne Meares, Linda

Fountain, Cori Riley, Maria Alvarez, Nancy Korb, Joan Ortiz and

Valerie Nelson.

The evening’s announcer was Shelby Grimm, who appears in the film

“The Haunted Mansion.” He announced the winners of 17 gift-filled

baskets as well as the silent auction and 50-50 prize winners.

The mother-daughter organization supports local charities such as

Burbank Center for the Retarded, Burbank Boys & Girls Club, Burbank

Temporary Aid Center and the Family Service Agency.

Patrons Club earns $11,500 for students

A total of $11,500 was raised when the Patrons Club of Glendale

Community College had its annual fund-raising luncheon at The

Castaway in Burbank.

Proceeds benefit scholarships and grants-in-aid, which provide

financial assistance to students to purchase books or other needs.

More than 250 people attended the event.

President Betty Musacco welcomed the more than 250 people

attending. First Vice President Pauline Richardson recited an

invocation and led the flag salute.

Wyann Vaughn, a former Patrons Club scholarship recipient, sang

the national anthem.

President John A. Davitt of Glendale Community College introduced

the members of the board of trustees and a number of Glendale city

officials. Patrons Club advisor, Dean of Student Affairs Paul

Schlossman, congratulated the Patrons Club for their dedicated

service in helping students obtain scholarships and grants-in-aid

funded by this event.

Chairwoman Margaret Hammond thanked all the guests for attending

this function. She then acknowledged and thanked the directors of the

talent revue, Lynn McMurrey, associate professor of dance; Ken Gray,

chairman of the Theatre Arts Department; Peter Green, instructor of

music; and Guido Girardi, instructor of set and lighting design for

the Theatre Arts Department.

Compiled by Joyce Rudolph
