
Here is the letter parade organizers want...

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Here is the letter parade organizers want you to see

After 22 years, the board of directors and committee members of

Burbank On Parade Inc. have decided to cease organizing and producing

the annual celebration known as Burbank On Parade. There is no one

reason for this decision, but a combination of many.

We feel it is in the best interests of those of you who have

supported the event to let you know this decision as soon as


If you would like to see this event continue, we strongly suggest

you contact the members of the Burbank City Council. Without input

from the community, and given the current budget situation, this even

may just go away.

Mayor Stacey Murphy


Vice Mayor Marsha Ramos


Todd Campbell


Dave Golonski


Jef Vander Borght



Burbank on Parade Inc.

The letter parade organizers didn’t want you to see

On Nov. 18, 2002, Burbank On Parade Inc., a nonprofit corporation,

decided to cease organizing and conducting the annual celebration

known as Burbank On Parade. This action effectively terminates the

parade scheduled for 2004. We notified City Manager Mary Alvord on

Oct. 23, by phone, and again in person on Nov. 3.

We have come to this decision after 22 years of successful and

enjoyable celebrations for several reasons, one of which is lack of

support. Ironically, many of the obstacles we faced throughout the

years came from city departments that were responsible for

“assisting” us, specifically Licensing and Park and Recreation, who

found more ways to hinder us rather than help us accomplish our


The annual parade is a joyous occasion appreciated by many people.

You can see it on their faces, from little kids on the curb to the

seniors looking out from their windows at the retirement home.

Burbank On Parade has become a tradition for families and community

organizations. Many past parade participants and spectators continue

to contact us about next year’s parade, and we refer them to the

Burbank City Council.

We sincerely hope that a group, organization or perhaps the city

of Burbank will step up and continue this remarkable tradition that

dates back to the 1940s. We will be available to answer any questions

you may have, or assist any new group that is interested in taking



Burbank On Parade Inc.

Burbank on Parade a matter of civic pride

As the manager of the Burbank-Burroughs Alumni Marching Band and

Drill Team, I was very disappointed to hear about the demise of

Burbank’s annual parade. Our group has appeared in every parade since

we were formed in 1986. We have people who come from as far away as

San Francisco and Texas to join us when we march every April.

Despite whatever differences there might between the parade

organization and the city, there must be some way or someone to step

forward to save this event that does so much good for the community

and civic pride.


