
Float could use a face-lift

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The Burbank Tournament of Roses Assn. has done it again. It is

turning out another cloying, cutesy-poo float with (ugh!) canned

music, and putting our city’s name on it.

I do wish the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Assn. would ban canned

music on ALL floats. It makes it sound just like the Macy’s Parade,

and detracts from the magnificent live bands that have a hard enough

time being heard over the babble of the television commentators. But

that’s another issue.

Worst of all is the faux cowboy singing to a herd of dairy cattle.

Puh-leeeze! The cowboys of the American Southwest herded beef cattle.

Longhorns. Herefords. Other hardy breeds. NOT Holsteins and

Guernseys. Can anyone see a typical crew of hard-bitten, ham-handed

wranglers rounding up their herd twice a day for milking? On the open

range? We’ll just ignore the little fact that dairy cattle could not

thrive in those conditions in the first place. I know the parade

isn’t supposed to have anything to do with reality or historical

accuracy, but isn’t this little rolling farce bending things just a

wee bit too far?

Whatever became of the graceful, elegant floats that I remember

from the past? Are they passe’? I think I’d rather see a few of those

for a refreshing change, especially with the parade theme being

“Music, Music, Music.” With all of the world’s music to choose from

... “Skaters’ Waltz.” “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.” “Romeo and

Juliet.” “Rhapsody in Blue.” Heck, Jimmy Buffett’s “Cheeseburger in

Paradise” (featuring 1950s landmark Toluca Lake Bob’s Big Boy?) would

have been a better, more original choice.

I think I’ll sleep in on New Year’s morning.

Elaine Hampton

