
Small angels wowed a capacity crowd during...

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Small angels wowed a capacity crowd during St. Robert Bellarmine

School’s kindergarten Christmas program Thursday. Staged by the

school’s two kindergarten classes, the children were resplendent in

their colorful costumes and gave readings, sang Christmas songs and

performed a dance to the delight of the student body, teachers,

parents and other family members. The boys and girls celebrated the

birth of Jesus through readings and songs. Children in both classes

began rehearsals in early November. During the finale, a loud bell

sounded, and a guest of honor appeared. Jolly St. Nick strode into

the hall to the cheers of those in attendance. A rousing chorus of

“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,”

sung by performers and audience alike, greeted him.
