
Float design open to everyone

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I am responding to Elaine Hampton’s letter (“Float could use a

face-lift,” Dec. 13) regarding the float design selection and music

played on the float.

The Burbank Tournament of Roses Assn. is an all-volunteer,

501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that designs, builds and decorates

the city of Burbank’s entry into the Rose Parade.

If you are unhappy with Burbank’s float selection, I would

encourage you to do two things:

* Submit a design concept. It’s an open contest. Entry forms and

rules are now available online at www.Burbank or at the

float site at 320 N. Lake St. You have until Jan. 28 at 9 p.m. to

submit your concepts for the 2005 parade. The official theme is

announced on the third Thursday of January, but float builders are

given an advance theme hint. For example, the 2005 parade’s theme

hint is “Focused on Family.”

* Join the Burbank Tournament of Roses Assn. Our annual dues are

very reasonable, just $10 for individuals or $20 for all people

living at a single mailing address. Join before Jan. 1 and you will

be eligible to vote on the 2005 float in a special members’ meeting

Feb. 5. Once our members have made their selections, the concepts are

submitted to Pasadena for its approval.

Regarding “canned music,” music should enhance the presentation of

the float. It should be one of many elements that create an overall

entertaining package. When we want to use music, we are limited to

what we can do. In the 2003-04 edition of the Pasadena Tournament of

Roses Float Manual, page 3-4 Section 3-8(i) states, “Tournament

Policy does not permit ‘live’ transmissions of any kind to/from a

float. Additionally, the use of pre-recorded music from a radio

station, which includes the call sign (radio station identification)

is not permitted.” This rule is generally referred to as the “no open

mike” rule. All music must be pre-recorded.

For 2004, we have selected two versions of Gene Autry’s classic

song “Back In The Saddle Again.” One version is from the 1939 film

“Rovin’ Tumbleweeds,” and the other is from the 1941 film “Back In

The Saddle.”

If you do sleep in on Jan. 1 and change your mind about seeing the

float, you have one more chance. Come to Izay Park from Jan. 4-7 to

see the finished float.


Float vice president

Burbank Tournament of Roses Assn.
