
African Violet Society group still blooming The...

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African Violet Society

group still blooming

The Burbank African Violet Society will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday at

the Magnolia Park United Methodist Church, 2828 W. Magnolia Blvd.,


The program, given by Vice President Chris, is on separating

multiple African violet plants.

Guests are always welcome. For more information, call 846-1241.

Warner Bros. historian

visits Historical Society

Leith Adams, corporate archive director of Warner Bros. Studios,

will give a talk about items in the studio’s historical collection

for the Burbank Historical Society at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the Gordon

R. Howard Museum.

Adams has worked on the collection since 1976.

The event is free and light refreshments will be served after the

program. Doors will open at 6:45 p.m. The museum is at 115 N. Lomita

St. For information, call 841-6333. Parking is available in two

parking lots on Clark Avenue between Lomita Street and Griffith Park


Assemblyman Frommer

is guest speaker

Assembly Majority Leader Dario Frommer (G-43rd District) will

speak to the Verdugo Glen Chapter of the American Business Women’s

Assn. on Oct. 27 at the Elks Club, 120 E. Colorado St., Glendale.

Networking is at 6 p.m. with dinner, program and business meeting

following at 6:30.

Frommer was raised in Glendale and graduated from Hoover High

School. He is a graduate of Colgate University and UC Davis Law


He has served as chairman of the Assembly Health Committee, which

focused on expanding health care coverage to the working poor,

runaway health care costs and women’s health issues especially for

working mothers. The topic of his speech is “Women’s Health Issues in

the Legislature.”

The cost for dinner is $17. For reservations, call 248-4415 by 6

p.m. Oct. 24.

‘Love Boats’ author

speaks to guild

The Cabrini Literary Guild had its first meeting of the year on

Oct. 14 at the Oakmont Country Club in Glendale. The guild is a local

philanthropic organization of women meeting to further literature,

education and philanthropy.

The program featured Jeraldine Saunders, a best-selling author who

has written books on astrology and a wide range of topics including

the cruise industry. She wrote the book “The Love Boats,” which was

the inspiration for the TV series “The Love Boat.” She lectures on a

number of subjects worldwide including astrology, graphology and


For more information, call 248-9226.

Compiled by Joyce Rudolph
